I have read all the posts and want to add one element that has not been injected into the conversation.
not all elders are in it for the power that they can wield over others----but ALL elders enjoy the elevated position and recognition that they receive. This is especially true re: elders like thedog. They delight in being "nice, sweet, concerned, kindly, watchful, helpful"----because they gain a recognition that the "enforcement" types cannot achieve.
i know this to be true. I was an elder for 30 years. For about half the time I was young and 'pushy' a real enforcer---I thought I was there as a cherub or seraph, can't remember which angels were in charge of enforcement and keeping the organization clean, but whichever, that's what I thought it was.
Later, as I matured, I became an elder like the dog is imagining himself to be.
Most people want recognition so I am not downing the dog, but he does need to understand that, like it or not, he loves the recognition that he gets from being a "loving" (and all the rest of the adjectives) elder.
thats my story and I'm sticking to it.